The Nipissing Naturalists Club has received approval to honour Louise de Kiriline Lawrence with an Ontario Heritage Trust plaque installed at Pimisi Bay - next door to Louise's "Loghouse Nest".
From her home on Pimisi Bay, west of Mattawa, Louise de Kiriline Lawrence explored and documented the natural world surrounding her. From her exquisitely detailed notes documenting her observations of birds she penned several acclaimed books, and was a frequent contributor to Audubon magazine.
The plaque ceremony was held at the Bonfield Parish Hall (408 Gagnon St., Bonfield) on Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 1:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served –soft drinks, tea, coffee and Swedish cookies cut into the shape of birds. Steve Pitt came up with the idea of the Swedish cookies when his research showed that Louise served Swedish cookies to her guests when they came to visit her.
We are auctioning a framed original sketch by Louise de Kiriline Lawrence, as well as three of her books, signed by the author herself. Prints by local naturalist and artist Paul Smylie are also available for sale.
We need your help! Help us spread the word about the Louise de Kiriline Lawrence Historic Plaque and the Nipissing Naturalists Club's fundraiser by sharing this page with friends and family!
If you would like to made a contribution toward the Louise de Kiriline Lawrence historic plaque, you may also mail a cheque payable to "Nipissing Naturalists Club" to:
2163 Pearson St., North Bay, ON, P1B 6V2.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
To learn more about Louise, be sure to read pages 20-23 of the February 2016 edition of The Woodland Observer.